Sunday, 9 August 2015

Childhood Favourites: The Confessions of Georgia Nicolson- Louise Renison

Oh my, what a series! 

Angus, Thongs, and Full-Frontal Snogging 
It's OK, I'm Wearing Really Big Knickers! 
Knocked Out By My Nunga-Nungas
Dancing In My Nuddy-Pants
...And That's When It Fell Off in My Hand
...Then He Ate My Boy Entrancers
Startled by His Furry Shorts
Luuurve is a Many Trousered Thing
Stop in The Name of Pants!
Are These My Basoomas I See Before Me?

The titles in themselves are works of art. I obsessively read these as a teenager, and made sure my best friend was reading them too so she would get all my references. I'm pretty sure we went around talking in Georgia-speak, saying things like Ooo-er and Blimey O'Reilly's pants, laughing like loons, talking about luuurve, calling things marvy, adding -osity to the ends of words. I remember a whole sleepover where we dissected an fancying two boys situation using the cakeshop of love analogy. I still like to refer to myself "getting up at the crack of nine." And I'm fairly sure my cat is half Scottish wild cat too.

Georgia was funny, and naive, so keen to get a boyfriend, and so loyal to her friends. They were silly together, which was great, with the pranks they pulled in school involving fake beards and viking horns. While the girls had made a snogging scale that went right up to number 10, "The Full Monty", throughout the books Georgia mostly did loads of snogging. I am well and truly on team Dave The Laugh. Robbie was cool but she could never be herself with him and same goes for Massimo. But Dave The Laugh was, well, a laugh. 

Here are some of the best ever quotes (Warning this list will be long because ahhh so many, too funny!):

“He who laughs last laughs the laughiest.” 
― Louise RennisonDancing in My Nuddy-Pants

“Oh no. I've just accidently paid a visit to the cakeshop of love. I haven't put back my Italian cakey, but I have accidentally picked up a Dave the Tart.” 
― Louise RennisonDancing in My Nuddy-Pants

“Anyway, then it said on the news, 'And tonight the Prime Minister has just got to Number Ten.'
I looked down at Jas and said, 'Ooer.' Meaning he'd got to number ten on the snogging scale. And then we both laughed like loons.
Vati just looked at us like we were mad.” 
― Louise RennisonKnocked Out by My Nunga-Nungas

“Dad has brought me a cup of tea in bed this morning! I said, 'Vati, why are you waking me up in the middle of the night? Are you on fire?” 
― Louise RennisonDancing in My Nuddy-Pants

“You make me laugh like a loon on loon tablets!” 
― Louise RennisonThen He Ate My Boy Entrancers

“If you fall down those stairs and break both of your legs, don't come running to me!” 
― Louise RennisonAre These My Basoomas I See Before Me?

“Rosie get off your desk, and please put your beard away.” 
― Louise RennisonStop in the Name of Pants!

“Through my curtains I can see a big yellow moon. I’m thinking of all the people in the world who will be looking at that same moon.

I wonder how many of them haven’t got any eyebrows?” 
― Louise RennisonAngus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging

“When girls walk home we put on lippy and makeup. We chat. Sometimes we pretend to be hunchbacks. But that is it. Perfectly normal behavior.” 
― Louise RennisonOn the Bright Side, I'm Now the Girlfriend of a Sex God

“Here is my recipe for a mood enhancer. Take a friend, preferably one with a really annoying fringe and outsize pants, and when she is rambling on swiftly, push her into a ditch and run away.” 
― Louise RennisonStartled by His Furry Shorts

“I am going to become a writer for Cosmo - you don’t have to make any sense at all. Or maybe I’ll be a bloke, they don’t have to make sense either.” 
― Louise RennisonAngus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging

“Rosie laughed in a not too reassuring way if you like sane laughter.” 
― Louise RennisonAway Laughing on a Fast Camel

“As I have said with huge wisdomosity many times, boys the world over are a bloody mystery.” 
― Louise RennisonDancing in My Nuddy-Pants

Quotes found on Goodreads

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